Saturday, January 31, 2015

& so 2015 has begun...

Ok...before I get started, before I say another word, follow this link to get yourself one of these awesome doodad's!! No joke, I got my first one last year and it has absolutely changed my life. This, my friends (in case you didn't know), is an Erin Condren Life Planner. Oh, no biggy [sarcasm], just a beautifully personalized, awe-inspiring, mind-blowing, super amazing organizer and ::LIFE:: planner that will knock your socks off. I will most likely feature my days, weeks and months planning throughout this blog, using the ECLP, so hold onto your seats friends and family...the awesome starts NOW! Follow this link for $10 off your ECLP!!!

OH, sweet Jesus, it's that time of year again. January Resolutions time! Yup, my top resolution is to lose weight..surprise, surprise. I imagine it may be at the top of many people's 2015 Resolutions, so why not do this together, y'all?! Let's hold each other accountable, share recipes, motivate each other through workouts and give each other inspiration to keep going! Don't stop 'til we reach our goals! 
This year I'm trying a low sugar, low carb, high protein diet that is very similar to the Paleo Diet. Totally efficient and has worked wonders in the past. Head over to my Pinterest board (link over on the right) to see some of the recipes that I've pinned that I plan on trying, and check back here to see my review on them when I finally get around to making them. Oh, the suspense! I know, I know.

Recently I read that drinking a gallon of water a day helps curb your appetite, flush your systems and keeps you hydrated which helps with overall weight loss. Bring on the water! I decided to mark off times to help motivate me, with Kendrick Lamar's help, throughout the day and have a good idea of where I should be so that I don't get off track! Give it a try and let me know what you think! 
Also, who says we can't have chocolate?! Hello Chocolate Ice Cream protein shake ;) I like to take my protein power, add coffee and vanilla almond milk, shake it up with ice and, Voila! 
Iced Coffee Protein shake! You're welcome.

Setting resolutions is the easy part. I can make lists all day fact, I think it may be one of my hobbies. Ha! Any ways, the point is, don't just make a list! Go after your goals and make it happen this year!! It's still January and we have like four months 'til we have to break out those shorts, bikini's and flip flops! Would you rather be covered in sweat now or covered up at the beach!? (That's what I keep telling myself when I'm huffing and puffing on my treadmill or busting out another set on a machine.) You can do this! Think positive thoughts and plan ahead. Together, with each others support, we can do this thing!

Check back soon to see my attempts at some of these Paleo recipes, if not anything then to just laugh at my 'Pinterest Fails' (because it's bound to happen, I'm no Suzy Homemaker). Thanks for reading and for bearing with me while I figure out this blogging thing!

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